Prospective, randomized, double blind comparison of suture materials with and without triclosan in dogs undergoing TPLO

Alicia N. Oberhaus, Michael S. McFadden
Can Vet J. 2023 Jun;64(6):565-574.

Objective To determine if triclosan-impregnated suture decreases surgical site infection rates after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) in dogs.

Sample population There were 116 dogs with naturally occurring cranial cruciate ligament disease presenting for treatment with TPLO.

Procedures Written consent was obtained by all clients in order to be included in this study. Dogs were randomly assigned a suture type immediately before the start of anesthesia. Infection rates were compared between the suture groups, as were the gender, duration of anesthesia, duration of surgery, age of dog, weight, length of incision, and stifle side. Direct examination by a veterinarian was conducted at 24 h, 10 to 14 d, and 8 to 12 wk after surgery. If the dogs did not return for direct examination, owners were contacted by a veterinarian and phone interviews were conducted.

Results Overall, 12.9% of the incisions were diagnosed with a surgical site infection (SSI). The SSI rate for dogs that received the triclosan suture was 5.35% (3/56), and the rate for dogs that received the regular suture was 19.64% (11/56), with P = 0.016. The duration of anesthesia, duration of surgery, age, weight, length of incision, and right versus left stifle did not show a significant difference in infection rates. The suture type did have a significant effect, and triclosan-impregnated suture had a decreased infection rate when compared to regular suture. Gender also had a significant effect, with P = 0.032.

Conclusion Triclosan-impregnated suture decreased SSI when used for closure in dogs undergoing TPLO. Triclosan-impregnated suture may be considered a material of choice to close surgical wounds at risk of SSI when implants are used.