For the web site and advertising on-line on the OrthoVetSuperSite we offer varius solutions for banner and rich advertising.
The dimension is based on the guidelines promoted from IAB, with some modifications, and used in the most web site.
We following a list of the format for the Orthovetsupersite and the positioning combinations.
For informations about banner and advertising on the Orthovetsupersite, write to:
OVSS was open in June 2007 to promote online scientific update (abstracts of the papers on orthopaedics and traumatology published in 20 international journals) and exchange of information among the veterinary orthopaedic community, attracting veterinarians interested in orthopaedics from all over the world, both in small animal and large animal fields.
Since November 2010, the website is fully open to everybody, no login required, to facilitate the consultation of the website from all its users and also to increase the access from all over the world for anyone interested in veterinary orthopaedics and traumatology. Since then, the monthly visits increased with an average of over 3000 monthly visits.
A weekly newsletter is sent to all the ESVOT members and the site users from all over the world (about 1500) reporting the three most recent published abstracts, including the link to each original paper. A data base of all the abstracts with key words collected since 2007 is available in the website for consultation.
- Dimension – total dimension for the banner
- Format – file format for the banner
- Maximum Weight – Weight in Kb for single banner
- Redirect – Externarl Url for the banner
Banner Definitions and Dimension
728x90 - Leaderboard
Positioned on the top of the site, called “header” is the most visible position, right from the site logo, classical banner with great value.
Dimension: 728x90 pixel
Formats: GIF, JPEG
Maximum Weight: To define
Redirect: Yes

250x250 - Square banner
Visible on the first screen at 1024x768 resolutions, is visualized on the right columns deputated to navigations and content, with great impact is used for special promotion.
Dimension: 250x250 pixel
Formats: GIF, JPEG
Maximum Weight: To define
Redirect: Yes

300x250 - Medium Rectangle
Banner with large dimension is adaptable in the home page and also in the content of the site.
Dimension: 300x250 pixel
Formats: GIF, JPEG
Maximum Weight: To define
Redirect: Yes