
Despite the total bone ossification within the expected period, there was no minimization of the estimated recovery time with the application of MSC, and inflammatory factors should be considered for reassessment of the therapeutic intervention time.
The hypothesis (a nonabsorbable braided suture tape would be biocompatible in the knee with no resultant adverse functional consequences) was accepted as study results support the biocompatibility of suture tape in the canine knee.
Radiographs overestimate the time needed for osseous union of the osteotomy gap. All osteotomy sites healed radiographically within 3 months.
An estimate of the surgically treated and control dogs' FCSI scores were 105 (95 per cent CI 93 to 116) and 20 (95 per cent CI 4 to 37), respectively. The difference between the groups was significant (P<0.001).
At 1 and 2 years post-treatment, function in SCP knees was better than in Control knees with range of motion being significantly (p < 0.05) better for SCP.
Understanding the pathobiology of human and canine meniscus can help to advance diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for painful knee disorders and improve clinical decision making.
This study provides some evidence that LLLT may improve the gait of dogs recovering from a TPLO, as assessed by owners.
Further genetic progress would be facilitated by selection using estimated breeding values based on veterinary screening records.
TPLO may alter stifle load distribution relative to the normal control group. There were no differences between TTA and the control group.
The data from this study may be used in both orthopaedic studies and for clinical applications related to the distal femur of dogs.